
Dorelan invests a lot in people, like parents, who are aware of the need to educate their children even from the perspective of the sleep culture. Because it is essential for every stage of childhood.

Tecnologia Myform

Trattamento Surface-Protection 

Tessuto Re:Evolution

Grazie alla tecnologia Myform, il nostro materasso Re:Evolution è in grado di adattarsi al corpo del tuo bambino in ogni fase della crescita. Grazie alla combinazione di strati ergonomici, il corpo manterrà la posizione corretta della colonna vertebrale senza rinunciare all’accoglienza capace di garantire un riposo profondo.  

Re:Evolution è un concept dedicato al sonno infantile e pensato per la crescita dei più piccoli, per questo sia materasso che cuscino sono certificati come Dispositivo Medico

The conscious choice to transmit the culture of sleep to one's own children

Re:Evolution is the choice of parents who realise the importance of sleep culture, and who educate their children, as we do with bedtime stories, leaving them free to grow - always supported, but capable and independent in their own decisions.

"Our research starts on the inside, with an interview with every parent and habits associated with sleep routine. We know these are fundamental for the correct energy, but our research focuses above all on children's development, first of the brain and then the body, because during the day they are subject to positions and behaviours that need rebalancing at night".

Nicoletta Costa

We asked Nicoletta Costa to illustrate the surface of our Re:Evolution fabric for children, so her bedtime stories are always with them as they grow.

Nicoletta Costa has been illustrating children's books since 1980, with more than 600 publications delighting young readers all over the world and creating characters that have entered the collective imagination and become part of childhood for generations.
Although her degree is in architecture, Nicoletta has always followed her heart's burning passion, writing and illustrating children's books.

Many of her characters have become TV stars in series broadcasted on leading children's channels.
For Dorelan, Nicoletta created figures from the world of sleep: the star that lights children's nights, clouds for calm dreams, the sun who goes to bed and teaches good habits, and of course the little bird who reads the bedtime story.

Come to the store to discover Re:Evolution